Safe and welcoming neighborhood with lots of opportunities to meet other families. We have two kids and two dogs and feel safe walking to and from downtown, the dog park and playground, and corner stores. There are so many places for coffee, brunch, and dinner. There is always something going on in the neighborhood or city to do. We find the SEPTA bus system very easy to navigate and a lot cheaper option than ubering everywhere.
Great nightlife, restaurants and grocery stores nearby, street festivals, and farmers markets on the weekends. It is walkable and can get to just about anywhere in the city relatively easily.
Grad hospital is by far the most popular spot for Penn Med students because it compromises between being close to Center City/fun things to do and being close to campus. Also, many families live in this area and it feels very much like a neighborhood and not so much like a crazy city other than the Philly drivers. Grocery stores can be a little pricey but definitely have everything you need in a decent radius.
Nice mostly residential neighborhood with nice restaurants and bars sprinkled in. South Street has lots to do. Usually nice and quiet. Only downsides are parking is difficult and package theft off front porches is not infrequent. I've lived here for 3 years and wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
Graduate Hospital has an excellent combination of being close to campus (~20-25 minutes walk), social (lots of classmates in Grad Hospital who hand out with one another), close to Center City (~20 minute walk), relatively cheap, and safe. The neighborhood also has good grocery stores, bars, and restaurants.
Wonderful residential neighborhood just over the bridge from UPenn. Relatively quiet, low density (row homes, not many high-rise apartment buildings), but with almost no large green spaces. Great access to multiple grocery stores, pharmacies, public transit, and walking distance from more lively parts of Center City. Some concern given recent uptick in violent crime on the edges of the neighborhood, but generally quite safe. Sadly, packages are stolen off of porches regularly in the neighborhood. Parking is also an issue, for those with a car. Overall, a great place to live, especially if you get around by biking, walking, or public transit, prefer a house to an apartment, and prefer a slightly quieter neighborhood.
Great location, commute to hospitals and clinic is very convenient (20 min walk, 7 minute bike, 10-12 minute bus). Very walkable, 10-15 minutes from most center city locations, many great restaurants within walking range. We have a car but rarely use it during the week. Less space for your money is the compromise for convenience of location (small 2 bedroom here vs larger 3+ bedroom and more outdoor space in less favorable location).
Graduate Hospital is the best bang-for-your-buck neighborhood in Philadelphia and is the obvious choice for couples / families looking for more space (largely full homes) and a more residential feel with easy access to great restaurants (South St. has plenty) and grocery options (Heirloom Market is the best).